Contact FIT

FIT prefers to receive your messages by email:

You can send us postal mail to:
International Federation of Translators
c/o HQ
57 rue d’Amsterdam
75008 PARIS

Do not visit us at the above address. The office is unattended.

FIT is not seeking to employ translators and interpreters, neither on a paid nor on a voluntary basis.

For assistance with translations or interpreting requests, visit one of our members close to you.


FIT Webinar: Indigitalization: The (un)colonizing of computer practices in Indigenous language and culture

20th July 2024 6 pm to 8 pm Paris (UTC+2)
The webinar explores the role of technology from an important aspect, that of “Indigitalization,” according to our speaker, Assistant Professor Jon Corbett at Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada). Professor Corbett describes Indigitalization as a computational creative practice that braids together Indigenous and decolonial computing practices facilitated through traditional and computer-based…

International Translation Day 2024

Translation, an art worth protecting. Inspired by issues surrounding copyright, this year’s International Translation Day (ITD) theme embraces the recognition of translations as original creative works in their own right, owed the benefit of copyright protection under the Berne Convention. As the creators of derivative works, translators have fought to protect their moral rights to…

Sad passing of Julia Calzadilla, winner of the Astrid Lingren Prize

The International Federation of Translators (FIT) is sad to announce the passing of renown Cuban poet, writer and translator, Julia Calzadilla, winner of the Federation’s Astrid Lindgren Prize for Translation of Children’s Literature in 2014, as informed by her home association, the Cuban Association of Translators and Interpreters (ACTI). Internationally acclaimed and awarded, Julia also…

FIT Webinar: The Translation Industry By Numbers: Between Growth, Transformation, and Reinvention

FIT (International Federation of Translators), in partnership with its Education and Continuous Professional Development Standing Committee, is holding a free live webinar on May 10th, 2024 at 1pm CET on the current state of the translation and interpreting market and the prospects for the future.

The webinar will be delivered by Gabriel Karandyšovský, a well-known industry…

Strengthening International Partnerships

Translators and authors join forces as AI brings challenges along with opportunities Two of the world’s leading professional bodies dealing with the AI explosion, authors and translation professionals, are collaborating on a response to a lack of regulation in the digital sphere, and the implications for copyright law and authorship rights. IAF panel on the…

The Role of Indigenous Language Translation in the Midst of Climate Change: Negotiating displacement, loss of land, language and culture

On November 25, 2023, the FIT Indigenous Languages Standing Committee hosted a webinar titled The Role of Indigenous Language Translation in Midst of Climate Change: Negotiating Displacement, Loss of Land, Language and Culture.

Losing indigenous languages means a loss of cultural diversity, and the centuries-old knowledge contained within them, which could solve the current global challenges…

FIT Webinar | Emotion management for professional linguists

Friday 17 November, 1pm-3pm CET
Registrations close 14 Nov 2023, 5pm CET.

FIT invites all translators, interpreters and terminologists to take part in a free webinar which provides tools for emotion and stress management tailored to language professionals. In this webinar, Dr Séverine Hubscher-Davidson will discuss what stress means, what its symptoms are, and how professionals can…

International Translation Day Webinar

2 October 2023, 2pm CET

Join us for a panel discussion on the topic of “What use the Humanities without humans: the value of human interpreting and human translation in a fragile world.” with panelists James Phillips (WIPO), Urtzi Urrutikoetxea (PEN) and Miquel Cabal Guarro (AELC, CEATL).

View the flyer.

Marta Saavedra

Designer of the winning poster for ITD 2023.

This year, FIT chose “Translation unveils the many faces of humanity” as the central theme of its International Translation Day (ITD) celebrations. We would like to tell you a few things about Marta Saavedra, the designer behind the winning poster.

Farewell to Beatriz Rodriguez, a beloved colleague

Our dear friend and colleague Beatriz Rodriguez, president of the Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CTPCBA) and former FIT Council member, passed away suddenly on 24 May 2023. She had a long and illustrious career at the CTPCBA, at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and in the national and international world…

APTIC Catalunya hosts FIT in Barcelona

FIT had a visible presence at the Languages & the Media Conference, 7–9 November in Berlin, and the annual Translating Europe Forum, 9–11 November in Brussels.

FIT participates In European conferences

FIT had a visible presence at the Languages & the Media Conference, 7–9 November in Berlin, and the annual Translating Europe Forum, 9–11 November in Brussels.

International Translation Day 2022

ITD 2022 Celebrating A World without Barriers: The Role of Language Professionals in Building Culture, Understanding and lasting Peace. ITD 2022 Celebrating A World without Barriers: The Role of Language Professionals in Building Culture, Understanding and lasting Peace. FIT member associations can use the poster in their communication promoting ITD and their events.

In Memoriam: Anna Lilova

It is with deep regret that FIT announces the death, on 30 July 2022, of ANNA LILOVA, FIT Honorary Advisor, former president and founding member of the Bulgarian Translators’ Union.

FIT Prizes and Awards

One of the most important and widely recognized functions FIT fulfils for its member associations is the awarding of FIT prizes and awards at FIT World Congresses. Being selected by an international jury to receive a FIT prize or award signifies recognition of the ‘best of the best’ by one’s peers around the globe.

Standing Committees and Task Forces 2022-2025

FIT has a number of active Standing Committees and Task Forces in the current mandate. Click on the committee name to reveal its current members. The list may also contain persons closely working with a committee whilst not formally being a member.

Note: * denotes the chair or co-chairs of the committee. ^ the FIT President is automatically a member of all Standing Committees and Task Forces.

Standing Committees

Association Development

Gretchen Gonzalez Nieto, Guillaume Deneufbourg, Eleanor Cornelius*, Annette Schiller, Niina Haapala-Livera, Roula Salam*, Alison Rodriguez^

Audiovisual Translation

Tiina Tuominen*, Elena Aleksandrova, Alison Rodriguez^

Awards Management

Gretchen Gonzalez Nieto, Eleanor Cornelius*, Maria Galan Barrera, Alison Rodriguez^


Editorial information is available on the Babel page.


Alexandra Jantscher, Viktorija Osolnik Kunc*, Dimitrios Moutafis, Tiina Tuominen, Alison Rodriguez^

Crisis Settings

Gretchen Gonzalez Nieto, Haidar Al-Sara, Annette Schiller*, Carmen Acosta Vicente, Roula Salam, Alison Rodriguez^

Education and Professional Development

Tiina Tuominen, Victoria Lei Cheng Lai, Guillaume Deneufbourg*, Viktorija Osolnik Kunc, Meritxell Serrano Tristán, Marsanne Neethling, Alejandra Jorge, Alison Rodriguez^

External Partnerships

Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen*, Olga Egorovs, Alison Rodriguez^

Indigenous Languages

Tina Wellman, Peter Mekgwe, Alexander Polikarpov, Jubilee Chikasha, Maseforo Mathatho, Roula Salam*, Te Tumatakuru O`Connell*, Alison Rodriguez^


Heidi Cazes, Jonathan Downie, Marsanne Neethling, Victoria Lei Cheng Lai, Pablo Reyes*, Yinying Wang, Pia von Essen, Alison Rodriguez^

Investment and Budget

Gretchen Gonzalez Nieto, Ted Wozniak*, Alison Rodriguez^

Carina Adriana Barres, Alexander Larin, Ludmila Stern, Mohammadreza Arbabi*, Claire Richardot, Maria Galan Barrera*, Viktorija Osolnik Kunc, Alison Rodriguez^


Alexandra Jantscher-Karlhuber, Alison Rodriguez^

Solidarity Fund

Alexandra Jantscher, Jan Næss, Isabelle Poff Pencole*, Maria Galan Barrera, Alison Rodriguez^


Silvia Bacco, Viktorija Osolnik Kunc, Te Tumatakuru O`Connell, Alan Melby*, Ilya Mishchenko, Lidia Jeansalle, Alison Rodriguez^, Xuetao Zhang


Amina Tahraoui, Eleanor Cornelius, Huashu Wang, Alan Melby*, Alison Rodriguez^, Maarit Koponen

Jan Næss, Gretchen Gonzalez Nieto, Marta Morros, Mateo Cardona Vallejo, Bianchinetta Benavides Segura, Carlos Mayor*, Mohammadreza Arbabi, Alison Rodriguez^


Translatio issues are available for download from the Translatio page.

Alejandra Jorge, Maria Galan Barrera, Valentini Kalfadopoulou, Ben Karl*, Junhuan Liu, Anne Marais, Sandra Mouton, Marita Propato, Isabel Sacco, Paola Andrea Sosa, Alison Rodriguez^, Jaroslav Soltys

Task Forces


Tiina Tuominen, Victoria Lei Cheng Lai, Silvia Bacco, Pascale Elbaz*, Alejandra Jantscher-Karlhuber, Isabelle Poff-Pencole, Alison Rodriguez^


Governing Bodies

FIT’s supreme body is the statutory congress, which is held every three years. It brings together delegations from the member associations, and it elects the Council, which in turn elects its Executive Committee and directs FIT until the next world congress. The governing bodies are supported by different committees, which report to the Council annually about their activities, and to the congress. The statutory congress is followed by an open congress, which is an outstanding platform for exchanges among all professionals in the profession.

Committees and Task Forces

The Federation, through its committees and task forces, undertakes to meet the various expectations of its members by addressing matters of training, conditions of work, the various aspects of the profession, and the categories of translators, interpreters and terminologists. To take part in the work of one of them is an individual contribution to the profession as a whole.


FIT has a part-time secretariat. The secretariat is the anchor for FIT’s membership administration and activities. The secretariat works closely with the EC and Council and relevant task forces.

Regional Centres

Five regional centres are currently active: FIT Europe, FIT Latin America, FIT North America, FIT Africa and FIT Asia. These centres foster the activities of FIT in their regions, organising meetings to strengthen exchanges between member associations on any questions concerning the profession, and liaising with the FIT Council.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is FIT?

FIT is the federation of translator associations and not a translation agency. It has no positions or internships to offer and cannot give any recommendation. See the “About us” page for more information.

Can individual translators belong to FIT?

FIT is the federation of translators associations. Individuals can join FIT indirectly as member of one of the member associations in their home countries. By virtue of belonging to a FIT member association, individuals are entitled to participate in any activity of FIT and its national member associations.

Does FIT suggest rates for translation or interpreting?

As different rates apply in different countries, please contact national associations for further information. FIT occasionally conducts surveys or publishes the results of surveys conducted by member associations.

Does FIT have an accreditation system?

Accreditation is a national issue. Please refer to national organisation for further details.

FIT through history


Creation of the Fédération internationale des traducteurs – International Federation of Translators (FIT) in Paris under the auspices of UNESCO. The founder members – six national associations of translators and interpreters – represented Denmark, France, Italy, Norway, the Federal Republic of Germany and Turkey.


Ist FIT World Congress (Paris, 18–22 December).
Theme: Drafting an Activity Plan.


Foundation of BABEL, International Journal of Translation (quarterly journal devoted to information and research in the field of translation), with the assistance of UNESCO.


IInd FIT World Congress (Rome, 27 February–3 March).
Themes: Intellectual property rights of the translator and International co-operation in the field of terminology.

International Round Table of translators from countries in Asia and the Middle East (New Delhi, 21–21 November).

Adoption of an international recommendation to promote translation and the professional status of translators in Asia.


Round Table on issues of the training and qualifying of translators (Luxembourg, 30–31 May) in collaboration with the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community.

Adoption of recommendation to encourage working together in the area of training translators and terminology research.

International Round Table of Translators (Warsaw, 2–8 July).


IIIrd FIT World Congress (Bad Godesberg, 27 July–1 August).
Theme: Quality in Translation..


IVth FIT World Congress (Dubrovnik, 31 August to 7 September).
Themes: Tenth anniversary of FIT – Continued Co-operation with UNESCO.

Recommendation relating to the training of translators and drafting criteria affirming, internationally and nationally, the qualities required to be able to effectively fulfil the task of specialised translator.

Adoption of the Translator’s Charter setting forth general guidelines and recommendations in the area of the translator’s rights and obligations.


Vth FIT World Congress (Lahti, Finland, 7–13 August).
Themes: Recommendations on literary translation, qualification criteria to promote translator training on terminology research and documentation and on the intellectual property rights of the translator.

Establishment of Task Forces.


Foundation of the Nathhorst Prize (literary translation and scientific and technical translation) under the auspices of the Carl Bertil Nathhorst Foundation for Science and Public Utility (Sweden).


VIth FIT World Congress (Stuttgart, 27–31 July).

UNESCO recognises FIT as a category A non-governmental organisation, which ensures that FIT will be consulted on any issue relating to translation discussed by the UNESCO authorities.


VIIth FIT World Congress (Nice, France, 9–13 May).
Theme: Translation, Connecting Nations.


Adoption of the international recommendation on “THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF TRANSLATORS AND TRANSLATIONS AND ON THE PRACTICAL MEANS TO IMPROVE THE STATUS OF TRANSLATORS”, on the occasion of the UNESCO General Conference (Nairobi, 22 November), by 143 member countries of UNESCO.


VIIIth FIT World Congress (Montreal, 12–13 May).
Theme: Translating – a Profession.


Celebration of the 25th Anniversary FIT in Paris.


FIT–UNESCO international colloquium (Sofia, 16–18 October) on Translation and International Cultural Co-operation.


Foundation of the Astrid Lindgren Prize for translation of books for children and young people.

Creation of the FIT commemorative medal in memory of Pierre-François Caillé.


IXth FIT World Congress (Warsaw, 6–13 May).
Theme: The Mission of the Translator Today and Tomorrow.


Round Table (Lomé, 25–27 October) on “Problems of Literary Translation in Africa”, with UNESCO support.


Round Table (Paris, 17–19 March) on “Translation in the System of Foreign Language Training”, with the assistance of UNESCO.

Adoption of an international recommendation on the professional profile of translators and interpreters and guidelines on training and qualifying of translators and interpreters.


Xth FIT World Congress (Vienna, 17–23 August).
Theme: Translators and their Position in Society.


Round Table (Paris, 24–25 March) on “Literary Translation – Practice and Prospects”, with the assistance of UNESCO.

Founding of the FIT North American Regional Centre and First North American Translators’ Congress (Mexico, 25–28 March).


Round Table (Frankfurt, 23–24 January) on the “Status and Profile of the Translator and Interpreter”, with UNESCO support.

XIth FIT World Congress (Maastricht, 20–27 August).
Theme: Translation. Our Future.


Round Table (Seoul, 28 August–2 September) on Literary Translation, with the assistance of PEN Club and UNESCO.


Round Table (Tangiers, Morocco 1–3 June) on “Problems of Professional Translation in the Arab World and the Contribution of Technology”, with support from UNESCO and the École supérieure Roi Fahd de traduction.

Round Table (Dar es Salaam, 28–30 August) on “Problems of Translation in Africa”, with UNESCO support.

Second North American Translators’ Congress (Washington, 9–11 October).


XIIth FIT World Congress (Belgrade, 2–9 August).
Theme: Translation, a Creative Profession.

Creation of prize for Best Periodical.


Round Table (Moscow, 26–27 February) on “Literature and Translation, Theory Problems”, with the assistance of UNESCO and the Literary Council of the Writers’ union of the USSR.

Establishment of International Translation Day on 30 September.

Round Table (Buenos Aires, 1–2 November) on “Translation in Latin America”, with the assistance of ‘UNESCO and the Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.


Third North American Translators’ Congress (Montreal, 27–29 May) on “Translating in North America – A Community of Interests”.

Round Table (Dobríš, Czechoslovakia, 25–27 September) on “Literary Translation and Copyright”, with the assistance of various member associations and UNESCO.

International Conference (Moscow, 1–3 October) on “General Theory and Teaching of Translation and Poetry Translation Theory”, with the assistance of Moscow Linguistics University.


XIIIth FIT World Congress (Brighton, 6–13 August).
Theme: Translation – The Vital Link.


Round Table (Strasbourg, 22–24 June) on “Audio Visual Communication and Language Transfer”, with the assistance of the Council of Europe and UNESCO.

1st Asian Translation Forum (Beijing, 31 July–3 August).


XIVth FIT World Congress (Melbourne, 9–16 February).
Theme: New Horizons.

Fourth North American Regional Centre Congress (Colorado Springs, 27–29 October).

Foundation of the FIT Regional Centre Europe.


2nd Asian Translation Forum (Seoul, 31 July–3 August).

Fifth North American Regional Centre Congress (Ottawa, 27–29 September).


XVth FIT World Congress (Mons, 3–10 August).
Theme: Translation – Transition.


3rd Asian Translation Forum (Hong Kong, 4–8 December).


Sixth International Forum on Legal Translation and Court Interpreting (Paris, 12–14 June).

XVIth FIT World Congress (Vancouver, 3–10 August).
Theme: Translation: New Ideas for a New Century.


Foundation of the FIT Regional Centre Latin America in Buenos Aires (2 May).

50th Anniversary of FIT in UNESCO Paris (20–22 November).


XVIIth FIT World Congress (Tampere, Finland 8–10 August).
Theme: Rights On!


First international meeting of the Regional Centre Latin America (CRAL-FIT) on “Translation and Interculturality” (La Antigua, Guatemala, 25–27 May).


4th Asian Translation Forum (Bogor, Indonesia)


XVIIIth FIT World Congress (Shanghai, China, 2–7 August).
Theme: Translation and Cultural Diversity.


5th Asian Translation Forum (Macau)


XIXth FIT World Congress (San Francisco, USA, 1–4 August).
Theme: Bridging Cultures


60th anniversary of FIT

6th Asian Translation Forum (Penang, Malaysia)


XXth FIT World Congress (Berlin, Germany, 4–6 August).
Theme: Man vs. Machine? The Future of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists


Fit Legal Forum, Lima Peru.


8th Asia Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF8)

Xian, China


XXI World Congress, Brisbane, Australia

Theme: Disruption and Diversification


Legal Translation Forum, Bonn, Germany.


9th Asia Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF9)

Seoul, South Korea


XXII congress postponed due to COVID-19 Pandemic


XXII World Congress, Varadero, Cuba. Theme: A World without barriers – The Role of Language Professionals in Building Culture, Understanding and Lasting Peace.

FIT Council 2022-2025

Executive Committee

Alison Rodriguez



Secretary General

Iris Gretchen González Nieto


Alejandra Jorge

Vice President

Eleanor Cornelius

Vice President

Annette Schiller

Vice President

Council Members

Tiina Tuominen

Council Member

Victoria Lei Cheng Lai

Council Member

Olga Egorova

Council Member

Marta Morros Serret

Council Member

Jan Naess

Council Member

Anming Gao

Council Member

Viktorija Osolnik Kunc

Council Member

Roula Kamal Salam

Council Member

Hasuria Che Omar

Council Member

Guillaume Deneufbourg

Council Member

Jørgen Christian Wind Nielsen

Council Member

All Council members can be contacted through the Secretariat.