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International Translation Day 2024 Webinar -

Join us for our International Translation Day 2024 Webinar, featuring a panel discussion and Q&A

Where: Online - Zoom
Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
2 pm to 3:30 pm Paris (UTC+2)
8am New York
8pm Beijing
10pm Sydney
More / Register

The voice of professional translators, interpreters and terminologists around the world

FIT is the federation of professional associations of interpreters, translators and terminologists around the world, working in areas as diverse as literary, scientific and technical, public service, court and legal settings, conference interpreting, media and diplomatic fields and academia. 

FIT supports members and the profession at an international level, building community, visibility and a sustainable future for the profession.

European Conference on Literary Translation - 3 - 4 Oct 2024
In celebration of the UNESCO World Book Capital programme, CEATL (European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations) is hosting the European Conference on Literary Translation in this Year's World Book Capital, Strasbourg. More...
XXIII FIT Congress | Congrès de la FIT | Congreso Mundial de la FIT - Call for papers :: Appel à contributions :: Convocatoria de ponencias
Mastering the Machine: Shaping an intelligent future

We are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for the XXIII FIT World Congress, which will take place at WIPO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, from 4 to 6 September 2025.

Contributions may be in French, English, or Spanish. For the full Call for Papers, with all the details and conditions, see below.

Submission deadline: 1 November 2024
Position and Discussion Papers -

Position Paper on the Use of AI in Interpreting

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the field of translation and interpreting presents significant issues for both professional interpreters and the individuals whose words they interpret. As a global body representing over 65,000 individual translation, interpreting and terminology practitioners in over 65 countries, the stance of the International Federation of Translators is firmly against the replacement of human interpreters with unsupervised, unrevised machine interpreting and translation, as it creates unacceptable levels of risk and error, and undermines the role of professional interpreters and translators. Read more…

A new era of FIT

Despite the global challenges still facing us, 65 members were able to participate in the XXII FIT Statutory Congress in Varadero, Cuba on May 30th and 31st 2022, hosted by the Asociación Cubana de Traductores e Intérpretes (ACTI).
A new Council was elected, to lead FIT through to the next Congress in 2025. Meet the new FIT Council.

Barcelona Manifesto

On April 21, 2023, FIT joined the Association of Catalan Language Writers (AELC), the Council of European Associations of Literary Translators (CEATL) and hosts the Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters of Catalonia (APTIC) at the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona, in signing the Barcelona Manifesto on good contractual practices in translation for the publishing industry. Read the manifesto here.

Our global reach

FIT currently has 110 active Regular Member associations, representing 67,570 translation, interpreting and terminology professionals across the globe. We are also supported by 28 Associate Member organisations and 1 Observer member.