
  • Contact FIT - FIT is the federation of professional associations of interpreters, translators, and terminologists working in areas as diverse as literary, scientific and technical spheres, the public service, court and legal settings, conference interpreting, media and diplomatic fields and academia. The goal of the Federation is to promote professionalism in the disciplines it represents. It seeks constantly to improve conditions for the profession in all countries and to uphold translators’ rights and freedom of expression. FIT supports members and the profession at an international level, building community, visibility and a sustainable future for the profession.
  • Updates - Recent updates from FIT
  • Standing Committees and Task Forces 2022-2025 - FIT has a number of active Standing Committees and Task Forces in the current mandate.
  • Governance - By-laws, rules of procedure, standing committees handbook
  • Structure - Governing bodies, committees and task forces, secretariat, regional centres
  • Frequently Asked Questions - What is FIT? Can individual translators belong to FIT? Does FIT suggest rates? Does FIT have an accreditation system?
  • Partners - FIT is working with a number of partners and other associations to achieve our goals.
  • FIT through history - The history of FIT from its creation in 1953 under the auspices of UNESCO until today
  • FIT Council 2022-2025 - FIT Council 2022-2025.