
  • International Translation Day 2024 Webinar -

    Join us for our International Translation Day 2024 Webinar, featuring a panel discussion and Q&A

    Where: Online - Zoom
    Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
    2 pm to 3:30 pm Paris (UTC+2)
    8am New York
    8pm Beijing
    10pm Sydney
    More / Register
  • European Conference on Literary Translation - 3 - 4 Oct 2024
    In celebration of the UNESCO World Book Capital programme, CEATL (European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations) is hosting the European Conference on Literary Translation in this Year's World Book Capital, Strasbourg. More...
  • FIT Webinar: Indigitalization: The (un)colonizing of computer practices in Indigenous language and culture - 20th July 2024 6 pm to 8 pm Paris (UTC+2)
    The webinar explores the role of technology from an important aspect, that of “Indigitalization,” according to our speaker, Assistant Professor Jon Corbett at Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Canada). Professor Corbett describes Indigitalization as a computational creative practice that braids together Indigenous and decolonial computing practices facilitated through traditional and computer-based expressive media art forms. Professor Corbett stories the development of a physical keyboard for the nêhiyaw orthography (i.e. Plains Cree), designed and built from nêhiyaw cultural knowledge.  Register Now
  • International Translation Day 2024 - Translation, an art worth protecting. Inspired by issues surrounding copyright, this year’s International Translation Day (ITD) theme embraces the recognition of translations as original creative works in their own right, owed the benefit of copyright protection under the Berne Convention. As the creators of derivative works, translators have fought to protect their moral rights to be credited for their translation work, control any changes to that work, and receive appropriate remuneration. Protecting these simple things will ensure a sustainable future for translation professionals and the historic art of translation itself.
  • FIT Webinar: The Translation Industry By Numbers: Between Growth, Transformation, and Reinvention - FIT (International Federation of Translators), in partnership with its Education and Continuous Professional Development Standing Committee, is holding a free live webinar on May 10th, 2024 at 1pm CET on the current state of the translation and interpreting market and the prospects for the future.

    The webinar will be delivered by Gabriel Karandyšovský, a well-known industry researcher, consultant, and former COO of a global market research firm specialised in the translation industry.

    Losing indigenous languages means a loss of cultural diversity, and the centuries-old knowledge contained within them, which could solve the current global challenges around climate destruction and biodiversity loss. Much of historical learning and knowledge about the planet is indigenous knowledge, therefore translation, interpreting and terminology for indigenous languages is key to unlocking that crucial knowledge.
  • The Role of Indigenous Language Translation in the Midst of Climate Change: Negotiating displacement, loss of land, language and culture - On November 25, 2023, the FIT Indigenous Languages Standing Committee hosted a webinar titled The Role of Indigenous Language Translation in Midst of Climate Change: Negotiating Displacement, Loss of Land, Language and Culture.

    Losing indigenous languages means a loss of cultural diversity, and the centuries-old knowledge contained within them, which could solve the current global challenges around climate destruction and biodiversity loss. Much of historical learning and knowledge about the planet is indigenous knowledge, therefore translation, interpreting and terminology for indigenous languages is key to unlocking that crucial knowledge.
  • FIT Webinar | Emotion management for professional linguists - Friday 17 November, 1pm-3pm CET
    Registrations close 14 Nov 2023, 5pm CET.

    FIT invites all translators, interpreters and terminologists to take part in a free webinar which provides tools for emotion and stress management tailored to language professionals. In this webinar, Dr Séverine Hubscher-Davidson will discuss what stress means, what its symptoms are, and how professionals can manage stress and stressful thoughts. She will introduce the concept of emotional competence and explain its significance in work situations. Through guided practical exercises, participants will be able to develop strategies for managing stress and emotions.
  • International Translation Day Webinar - 2 October 2023, 2pm CET

    Join us for a panel discussion on the topic of "What use the Humanities without humans: the value of human interpreting and human translation in a fragile world." with panelists James Phillips (WIPO), Urtzi Urrutikoetxea (PEN) and Miquel Cabal Guarro (AELC, CEATL).

    View the flyer.
  • Statutory Congress 2022 - The XXII FIT Statutory Congress in Varadero, Cuba on 30 and 31 May, saw participation from 65 regular members represented either by their delegations or through proxies. As per custom, the retiring Council held its final… More
  • FIT Prizes and Awards - One of the most important and widely recognized functions FIT fulfils for its member associations is the awarding of FIT prizes and awards at FIT World Congresses. Being selected by an international jury to receive a FIT prize or award signifies recognition of the ‘best of the best’ by one’s peers around the globe.